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problème avec woocommerce

J ai installé le thème mais je trouve des problème avec woocomerce

Uploaded files:
  • theme.png
Hi Masmouh,
Please go through the following steps to make sure you have done with this or not.
You got the premium theme download link on your order confirmation mail which contains the following zip file:
1. Luxury Travel Pro
2. Luxury Travel Pro Child
3. Luxury Travel Pro Posttype
4. Title Banner Images
If you haven't got the zip file of the theme, please send us your order number, we will give you the login credential of your account on our website.
Luxury Travel Pro is a premium theme and Luxury Travel Pro Child is a child theme. The "Luxury Travel Pro Posttype", and "Title Banner Images" are theme required plugins.
You need to upload the themes separately. First, upload Luxury Travel Pro zip via Appearance -> Themes and then Luxury Travel Pro Child zip via Appearance -> Themes activate the child theme.. The "Luxury Travel Pro Posttype" and "Title Banner Images" would be uploaded via Plugins -> Add new. These both of plugins will be uploaded separately one by one.
If you have successfully completed theme installation, then follow the below steps to get the demo content on your homepage.
1. Create Page to set template: Go to Dashboard >> Pages >> Add New Page.
Label it "home" or anything as you wish. Then select the template "home-page" from template drop-down.
2. Set the front page: Go to Setting -> Reading --> Set the front page display static page to home page.
It will show the demo content on the home page. Then customize it from the Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Settings.
And for woocommerce plugin upload >> Go to Dashboard >> Plugin >> Add New >> Upload Plugin >> After upload activated it.
If you got stuck somewhere then send us the query. If you want we can set up your theme, make a user for us assign administrator role and send us the username and password along with the site URL. We have a free installation support for all our premium theme.


Hi Masmouh,

As per your query, we have seen your site and how can we help you?


Message de mise a jour thème

Uploaded files:
  • al-moltazam-travel.png

Problème mise en page woocommerce (ex : page validation commande)

Uploaded files:
  • 1-oi.png


### WordPress Environment ###


Home URL:

Site URL:

WC Version: 3.5.1

Log Directory Writable: ✔

WP Version: 4.9.8

WP Multisite: –

WP Memory Limit: 256 MB

WP Debug Mode: –

WP Cron: ✔

Language: fr_FR

External object cache: –


### Server Environment ###


Server Info: Apache

PHP Version: 5.6.30 - Nous recommandons d’utiliser PHP 7.2 ou supérieur pour optimiser les performances et la sécurité. Comment mettre à jour votre version de PHP ?

PHP Post Max Size: 64 MB

PHP Time Limit: 30

PHP Max Input Vars: 1000

cURL Version: 7.19.7



SUHOSIN Installed: –

MySQL Version: 5.6.41-84.1

Max Upload Size: 64 MB

Default Timezone is UTC: ✔

fsockopen/cURL: ✔

SoapClient: ✔

DOMDocument: ✔

GZip: ✔

Multibyte String: ✔

Remote Post: ✔

Remote Get: ✔


### Database ###


WC Database Version: 3.5.1

WC Database Prefix: wp_

MaxMind GeoIP Database: ✔

Taille totale de la base de données: 3.61MB

Taille de la base de données: 3.45MB

Taille de l’index: 0.16MB

wp_woocommerce_sessions: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_api_keys: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_order_items: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_tax_rates: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_woocommerce_log: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_commentmeta: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_comments: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB

wp_links: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_options: Données : 3.17MB + Index: 0.06MB

wp_postmeta: Données : 0.08MB + Index: 0.03MB

wp_posts: Données : 0.20MB + Index: 0.02MB

wp_termmeta: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB

wp_terms: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB

wp_term_relationships: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_term_taxonomy: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_usermeta: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB

wp_users: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.01MB

wp_wc_download_log: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB

wp_wc_webhooks: Données : 0.00MB + Index: 0.00MB


### Post Type Counts ###


attachment: 29

customize_changeset: 21

feedback: 1

jetpack_migration: 2

jp_img_sitemap: 8

jp_sitemap: 8

jp_sitemap_master: 8

nav_menu_item: 14

page: 13

post: 2

product: 1

revision: 28

service: 1

tours: 3


### Security ###


Secure connection (HTTPS): ❌

Votre boutique n’utilise pas HTTPS. En savoir plus sur HTTPS et les certificats SSL.

Hide errors from visitors: ✔


### Active Plugins (18) ###


Akismet Anti-Spam: par Automattic – 4.0.8

Classic Editor: par Contributeurs et contributrices WordPress – 0.5

Duplicate Post: par Enrico Battocchi – 3.2.2

Elementor: par – 2.2.7

Google Analytics pour WordPress par MonsterInsights: par MonsterInsights – 7.3.0

Gutenberg: par L’équipe de Gutenberg – 4.1.1

Insert Headers and Footers: par WPBeginner – 1.4.3

Jetpack par par Automattic – 6.6.1

Loco Translate: par Tim Whitlock – 2.1.5

Luxury Travel Pro Post Types: par Themesglance – 1.0

MOJO Marketplace: par Mike Hansen – 1.3.4

OptinMonster API: par OptinMonster Team – 1.5.1

TG Title Banner Image: par Themesglance – 1.0

Travel Company Helper: par scorpionthemes – 1.0.5

WooCommerce Gutenberg Products Block: par Automattic – 1.1.2 – Non testé avec la version active de WooCommerce

WooCommerce: par Automattic – 3.5.1

WordPress Importer: par wordpressdotorg – 0.6.4

WPForms Lite: par WPForms – 1.4.9


### Settings ###


API Enabled: ✔

Force SSL: –

Currency: MAD (د.م.)

Currency Position: left

Thousand Separator: ,

Decimal Separator: .

Number of Decimals: 2

Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)

grouped (grouped)

simple (simple)

variable (variable)


Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)

exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)

featured (featured)

outofstock (outofstock)

rated-1 (rated-1)

rated-2 (rated-2)

rated-3 (rated-3)

rated-4 (rated-4)

rated-5 (rated-5)



### WC Pages ###


Base de la boutique: #4 - /?page_id=4

Panier: #225 - /?page_id=225

Validation de la commande: #221 - /?page_id=221

Mon compte: #223 - /?page_id=223

Conditions générales de vente et d’utilisation: ❌ Page non définie


### Theme ###


Name: Luxury Travel Pro

Version: 1.3

Author URL:

Child Theme: ❌ – Si vous modifiez WooCommerce sur un thème parent que vous n’avez pas construit personnellement

nous vous recommandons d’utiliser un thème enfant. Voir : Comment créer un thème enfant


WooCommerce Support: ✔


### Templates ###


Overrides: luxury-travel-pro/woocommerce/archive-product.php version 3.3.0 est obsolète. La version du noyau est 3.4.0





Outdated Templates: ❌



Apprenez comment mettre à jour



The issue is given by you of outdated Woocommerce templates is not a big issue, It doesn't change the looks of your theme. When woocommerce generates new updates after a few days we also update it on our theme.

When we updated the woocommerce on our theme, So we will update you for using our new version theme.


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