7 Solid Ways To Update Your WordPress Website This New Year

Give a fresh look to your WordPress website this New Year. Apart from the regular tasks, you perform on your website, updating it more deeply will bring laurels to you by the end of this year. You can update your WordPress website in many ways. You just need to make sure that the things are working properly and are up-to-date. Also, major modifications might be required such as altering the targeting keywords. To help you update your WordPress website, certain strategies are covered in this article.

Make sure the things are functional and up-to-date

Your website has different elements, both small and big. Ensure that each and everything such as the features and functionality of your site is functional. For that, you need to check your entire website thoroughly. Look for the following issues:

  • Find out the themes and plugins that need to update
  • Outdated or false user details
  • Broken plugins and features
  • Outdated and missing content
  • Missing and degraded images
  • Broken links on your website
  • Style, formatting, and layout issues

Keep every content on your site organized. Lastly, don’t forget to take backup while you proceed to make the changes.

A/B Testing of pages

After the site update is finished, test your website for effectiveness. You can do so through A/B testing. This testing involves the creation of two versions of a page and test which one is more effective. Let’s take an example of your homepage. Create 2 versions of the homepage with a different call to action on each. Then check which of the pages gets more traffic. Ample of tools are available to help you update your WordPress website and A/B testing serves to be one of them.

Seek audience feedback on your website

It would be beneficial for you to take feedback from your target audience that what are their views on your website. When working at the backend of your website, you may not know what it feels like on the user end. In order to help you update your WordPress website, it’s great to seek feedback from the regular audience of your website. Determine what the audience is interested in and what content they are looking for on your website. Identify their problems they expect your website to resolve. It’d be great to directly ask them through a poll, inquiry, survey, forum, email campaigns, etc.

Analyse competitor’s websites

On the way to make improvements on your site, you lose track of the activities of your competitor’s websites. Ensure on this New Year that your website still does not lag behind your competitors’. Check how other websites are performing. You can find out this information via dedicated tools. They will give you a comparison of different terms in the form of metrics.

Analyse your own website

With the help of website analyzing tools, you need to track the analytics on your WordPress website. Identify the most popular pages on your website. What all pages on your website have incredibly higher bounce rates. Determine the most engaging pages on your website. Google analytics is one of the most used website analysis tools.

Update the keywords on your website

Keywords are the vital elements of every website from the perspective of SEO. Availability of proper keywords is helpful in taking your websites at higher ranks in search engines. No matter how much keyword research you conducted when you first constructed your WordPress website, search engine volumes can change anytime. It may happen when the keywords you used are no longer targeting the audience effectively. So, spend some time to see what all keywords are inserted into your WordPress website. You can take help of a popular tool – Google Keyword Planner. Alter the underperforming keywords within your website with more strong options.

Update the existing content or create new

Fill your website with brand new content which is one of the essential ways to update your WordPress website. Your website needs to have compelling, rich, and high-quality content at all times. It helps in optimizing your website and bring it high on search engines. WordPress even offers you the option to schedule your blog posts for future.

Update your WordPress website this New Year!

Though you make changes to your website on a regular basis, it becomes quite necessary to review your site on New Year to make sure that it is working effectively. You need to thoroughly review your website, do some research work, and make some modifications. A premium WordPress theme can give your website a professional look and feel, while also providing you with the features and functionality you need to run your business. The techniques to update your website on a go:

  • Make sure everything on your website is up-to-date
  • Perform A/B testing on your website
  • Seek audience feedback about your website
  • Analyse competitor’s website
  • Analyse your own website
  • Update your website’s keywords
  • Update the existing content of your website

A website is a critical piece of your marketing and branding efforts. It’s the first impression many people will have of your business, so it’s important to make sure it looks professional and polished. You can check our most selling Premium WP theme bundle which has multiple premium wordpress theme that will defintely give you edge to update your website. If you’re interested in learning more, be sure to check out our new blog on 4 Incredible WordPress website elements for every business which give you more ideas what are things you need to update for your business. 


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